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Time Honoured Tradition - Kaiser Chiefs

Well it's time honoured tradition
To get enough nutrition
Stay alive until you die
And that is the end of you
And I pity the fools
Who don't recognize the rules
We cannot cheat the reapers reap
And that is the end of that
That is the end of that
That is the end of that
That is the end of that
Ho ho ho ho...
Well it's not an old wives tale
Too much red meat and ale
Will make you pay get five a day
Or that is the end of you
And it's a common misconception
But true without exception
These nights of booze catch up with you's
And that is an actual fact
That is the end of that
That is the end of that
That is the end of that
Ho ho ho ho...
La lalala...
It's time honoured tradition
To get enough nutrition
Stay alive until you die
And that is the end of you
And I pity the fools
Who don't recognize the rules
We cannot cheat the reapers reap
And that is the end of that

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